- V IISku vygenerovat žádost pro dohled.administratori.cz a třeba pomocí StartSSL si nechat vytvořit pro dohled.administratori.cz certifikát.
- Pak ho naimportovat do IISka a vyexportovat jako cert.pfx
- Nakopírovat cert.pfx do adresáře c:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin
- Spustit soubor OpenSSL v adresáři c:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin
- Type in the following command to transform the your PFX file into a PEM file:
openssl pkcs12 -nodes -in cert.pfx -out keys.pem
- Go to your OpenSSL/Bin directory and locate the keys.pem file and open it in a text editor
- Locate the Private Key, which includes and is defined by the text '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- .... certificate contents .... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----, copy the Private Key, open a new text editor, paste the Private Key into the text editor and Save as prtg7.key
- Locate the SSL certificate, which includes -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- .... certificate contents .... -----END CERTIFICATE-----, copy the SSL certificate, open a new text editor, paste the SSL certificate into the text editor and Save as prtg7.crt
- (Download Intermediate CA bundle for Apache server. Save as root.pem)
- Copy this two (three) files to PRTG core server to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\cert
- Restart service “PRTG Core Server Service”
Verze 2
1) U StartSSL si ověřit doménu.
2) Poté si nechat vygenerovat nový certifikát včetně osobního klíče.
3) Osobní klíč si nechat odšifrovat a uložit do souboru prtg.key.
4) Certifikát uložit do souboru prtg.crt.
5) Zastavit PRTG core server
6) Oba pak nahrát na PRTG core server do složky C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\cert
7) Zapnout PRTG core server