Exchange Server 2007 neodesílá a nepřijímá poštu

Exchange Server 2007 neodesílá a nepřijímá poštu a hlásí chybu: 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources

Problém je v nedostatečném volném místě na disku, kde je umístěna databáze fronty emailů. Minimum je 4GB volného místa na disku.

1)      Můžete uvolnit místo na zaplněném disku.

2)      Můžete přesunout databázi na jiný disk s větší volným místem:

Many configuration options for transport servers are saved in an XML file named EdgeTransport.exe.config (it’s the same file name on both server roles— Edge Transport and Hub Transport) located in \Exchange Server\Bin\.

To get transport to resume submissions, you can use any of the following methods. All of the following require you to edit the EdgeTransport.exe.config file.

  1. Disable BackPressure: Although Microsoft doesn’t recommend it, it does provide a way to Disable Back Pressure

  2. Tweak BackPressure thresholds: Modify BackPressure parameters to more accurately define what’s high utilization for your deployment or server configurations, as explained in the above docs.

  3. Move the queue database to another volume: Another resolution, and the one I used in this case, was to move the queue database to another volume with ample of free space, using the following procedure:

    1. Add the following key in the <AppSettings> section in EdgeTransport.exe.config, as documented in “How to Change the Location of the Queue Database“:

<add key=“QueueDatabasePath” value=”D:\Queue\QueueDB” />

    1. Save the file and restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service from the Services console or by using the Restart-Service cmdlet (Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport).

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