VMware vCenter server was not starting due to the SQL express being overloaded, after a little looking around on the web we have the answer! Or SQL file size over 4GB.
Running the following from the command line:
Cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn
then follow the below, update value with your desired time to keep items for inside the DB.
1> use VIM_VCDB
2> go
1> update vpx_parameter set value=’15’ where name=’event.maxAge’
2> update vpx_parameter set value=’15’ where name=’task.maxAge’
3> update vpx_parameter set value=’true’ where name=’event.maxAgeEnabled’
4> update vpx_parameter set value=’true’ where name=’task.maxAgeEnabled’
5> go
1> exec cleanup_events_tasks_proc
2> go
1> dbcc shrinkdatabase (‘VIM_VCDB’)
2> go
1> quit